Thursday 15 April 2010

Wednesday 24th March

Let the Mexican antics begin!!!

NINE THIRTY I arrived at Tina’s cabin today ready to work, paint, cut, draw, stick, and decorate all the items we needed for the evening in the SU.

The piñatas had dried almost completely with exception of a few damp patches.
I began to decorate my piñata with the three colours of the Mexican flag.
Once al the paper had been attached I decided to paint over the paper with the same colours just to give it a stronger look.
I was soooooooooo pleased with how it looked, I didn’t want someone to take a stick at it now and break it apart after all the work I had put into my beautiful piñata.
Once they had all been decorated and had dried I then filled them with large amounts of sweets and tissue paper, threaded them with string and then they were ready to be hung up in the SU.
As Tina’s cabin was getting very crowded with all the decorations, we decided that we needed to begin taking them over to the SU to give us more room to work.

Over went the palm trees and my ‘Amazing’ flag, hahaha and then back to the cabin for more creative ideas.
We made two more palm trees to go with the other two we had already made. Also we made numerous mini Mexican flags that we decided would look great draped everywhere in the SU. Mini Mexican men and cacti joined the rest of the decorations.
We all said that we needed a big impact on people as they arrive, so three very large strips of fabric were brought in the three colours of the flag and were draped in the centre of the SU, with the words “Welcome to Mexico” in English and in Spanish written across it.

After many many many hours of designing the decorations making them and erecting them it was finally time to go home and get ready for the evening.

Even though I spent over 2 hours on the door collecting the admission fees from people I had a good night, until I left slipped on the pavement in the rain and twisted my knee and ended the night in pain, (after only ONE drink) :(

We made slightly under £150 profit with taking into account we had to pay for security was not bad takings for the night. There were not as many people there as we would have liked but we all had a good time.
The process of the entire fundraising evening helped us work more closely together and brought all the small groups within the entire group together and we worked as a team well I thought.

One down side to the evening, as I was on the door when the Piñatas got smashed apart I never got to see what happened, after my many hours of making one I never got to see. I was not happy with that part of the evening…

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